Premium Subscription
Changes for Play4Keeps Podcast in 2020!
We are excited to announce that our podcast will be changing from a premium paid subscription to a free service! We could not have done this without the generous support of our founding subscribers who gave us the confidence to pursue our vision and made it possible for us to record and present powerful new stories by a roster of incredible playwrights as well as compelling conversations with theater creators over the past year.
We will also be combining our social media efforts, so now all of our podcast news and releases will be on our Ashland New Plays Festival social media pages. Follow us and then share, repost and retweet to help us spread the love we all share for new plays.
Find us wherever you listen to podcasts: iTunes, Spotify, TuneIn, Stitcher streaming on our website, and more!
Note: Current premium subscribers will retain access to all premium content through April 15, 2020. Emails were sent to all premium subscribers with details about their subscription. Please email us at for more information or login to view your account page for more information.