Kate Mura

Kate’s intriguing—and certainly varied—credits include being a back-up dancer for Salt-N-Pepa; dancing with President Bill Clinton at the Presidential Summit for America’s Future; neutral mask coaching of William Hurt for No Man’s Land at Artist’s Repertory Theatre; playing The Library Lady in Tomas and the Library Lady at Oregon Children’s Theatre; touring ten states, performing for thousands of children with Tears of Joy Theatre in The Reluctant Dragon; Pinocchio; and When Animals Were People; and receiving the Leslie O. Fulton Fellowship to study in Bali.

She is Artistic Ambassador for Fuse Theatre Ensemble and her solo show, Suburban Tribe, has toured four countries over nine years. Kate chooses theatre as her life’s work because, as she says, we constantly prove creating other worlds is possible. Consequently, it is her quest in life and art to inspire and create the world she wants to live in: one that is beautiful, supportive, and sustainable through tragedy and pain.

ANPF Plays

Kate Mura