In the News
A look back at ANPF news, reviews, and features:

- It takes a village to put on the Ashland New Plays Festival
- Ashland New Plays Festival announces October lineup
- A chance to hear ‘Hamlet’ in modern verse
- ‘Our Utopia’ looks at what makes Oregon tick
- New plays and new faces herald Ashland New Plays Festival’s season
- Ashland New Plays Festival to offer plays in March, April

- KOBI: Ashland New Plays Festival features four new plays on life, loss, and love
- KOBI: Jackie Apodaca and Steven Sapp talk Ashland New Plays Festival’s Hamlet
- KDRV: Ashland New Plays Festival coming to Ashland this April
- KDRV: Ashland New Plays Festival returns after 2 and a half years
- CNN: America’s Best Small Towns
- Boston Globe: Act 1: We need more women playwrights
- San Francisco Chronicle: The “Works”: Cary Pepper